Saturday, 23 October 2010

Texturing for 3d

Right, here's a short explanation of how to create textures for your 3d app.First off familiarise your self  with any photo editing software you feel suits your needs, most will do the trick, for users with a lower budget try out gimp, but most people prefer to work with photoshop. Now the trick is in understand what you need to create.
There are 3 maps i will be using for the coce can to get realistic effects, the color, reflection and specular  maps. Each map contains some sort of information that will drive certain aspects of the shader.
The color map, as you can guess is the simplest to explain, it stores the color data you want applied to an certain object, with this one really, what you see is what you get. Just place it in the difuse slot of your shader and click render and your object will have this pasted onto it.
The reflection map, is a gray scale map and it stores information from a scale of 0 to 255 in the rgb scale, the darker a section is the more reflective the surface will be on that part of the map. Basically the colour value tells the render engine at render time how light reacts to the surface it hits and what type of information to transmit from there on.
And Finally the specular map. A specular highlight is essentially a bright spot of light that appears on a model when illuminated. now using the specular map you can dictate what colour that specular highlight will emit when illuminated.
All these put when put together will help your model achieve better realism.
There are other types of maps of course but this was just the basics for some really simple but effective stuff.
thanks hope you enjoyed it :).


  1. Thanks, might give it all a try!

  2. thats pretty cool. i wish i was good at 3d rendering. :/

  3. thanks this helped me alot, keep more posts coming :D

  4. nice ! btw: dude, where you from ? you from Balkan ? :D

  5. You know I might try it out myself! Thanks!

  6. @ unlogic
    yep :) in belgrade currently, but ustu live in london.
    originaly from montenegro

  7. i enjoyed it very much :))

  8. Wow thats really cool. Keep em comin.

  9. Great, liked it, cuz i'm right now attending a graphic design school. really helpful to me for the first steps

  10. @lossy
    great, glad you like it, hope this helps, will have more of these short info bits up. if you need anything just send me a mail.

  11. Thanks for this mate, should come in pretty handy for me soon.

  12. you're really from montenegro? i've got some friends in podgorica! tko zna, možda znamo iste ljude :) jel znaš možda mladena, svira u bendu qtera? on mi je eto dobar prijatelj :)

  13. thanks for that! its pretty useful!

  14. @lazy
    yep but im from herceg novi ,neznam puno ljudi iz podgorice, cak i ako imam dosta prijatelja tamo ali to su sve novljani :) mozda neko od njih ih poznaje, odakle si ti?

  15. vidiš, znam jednu curu iz herceg novog :) a ja sam iz osijeka/slavonije :)

  16. sure that expolanation was short!

  17. koja je to cura? sve su sanse da je znam, mada ko zna slabo sam se krecao van mog drustva po novom tako da mozda i neznam. osjek a :) banja stari onda veliki pozdrav od mene javi se obavezno ako ikad banes negdje u blizinu :)

  18. Never knew how to make such realistic prints before this. Keep it up man!

  19. I did some 3d back in my earlier days. It can get pretty complicated.

  20. Very helptul. Thanks for the tips!

  21. Awesome, I want to get in to 3d works

  22. i really like the difuse effect

  23. Love the tutorial, very helpful thanks!

  24. That's awesome. Great stuff. :)

  25. @ gnjili:

    ne znam je li ovo mjesto za navođenje imena, ali poznam bojanu komnenić. nije herceg novi toliko velik, valjda ju znaš :) iako se nismo dugo čuli, vidiš :0

  26. :) znam bojanu, koji je to car od cure, ali nismo se nesto ni vidili ni culi odavno, krila se cjelo ljeto nije je bilo po gradu.
