Wednesday, 20 October 2010

getting to know zbrush

One of the things i told my self i would do is to go showcase what i can do when it comes to organic modeling.
The head model was started around a year ago back while i was still at Chiron learning 3d. Back then it was still a simple impression of what i felt looked like a human head :) now some time has passed and i figured i should finish it off. So i tweaked it up a bit and started up zbrush which i haven't used before and allowed myself to mess around a bit.
the power of this app was hard to believe at first, things that would take days could be done in hours,
so I'm going to head off *no pun interned* for now and see what i come up with.
This model is going to be a sculpture of a man, i plan on creating it as if it were carved into stone hence the pedestal below the neck.
Here's the low poly preview for a start.


  1. lookin real realistic, got any experience with blender?

  2. no i do most my work in maya, dont really work in other apps.

  3. very nice work, keep it up, I'll be back!

  4. thanks, will have some new stuff up soon. :)

  5. This is great! I'll definitely be following.

  6. Seems difficult! I can't even figure out autoCAD let alone this..

  7. Interesting piece of software, later on in my Uni course I will be doing 3D animation.

    Keep posting more content like this :)!

  8. Looks impressive, must have taken you a long time.

  9. fullowin 'n' suppin :)


  10. looks very nice and impressive...also interesting software

  11. Believe me when I say zbrush is a must

  12. frog your right on that one, will have some updates later today.
    by the way thanks everyone.

  13. Looks great.. i used blender like ones :D did not learn much but to be honest i did not try that hard.

  14. it takes some getting used to, especialy the workflow, i got a way around things in maya so now i just stick to it. might have some tuts up if i find the time

  15. wow you have some talent there! very nice work.

  16. looks like you're sculpting John Locke from Lost, good stuff!

  17. Its better than any of my experiance with 3D design, keep it up

  18. Always wanted to get into 3D modelling. Will pay close attention to your blog :).

  19. I prefer Blender. But that does look like it could be a good alternative.
